Tag Archives: bloganuary-2024-15

FIDO: Our Beloved Link to Paradise

By Richard K Munro

A hummingbird in our garden in January 2024.
OUR PALS: LANEY AND LEO IN OUR GARDEN JANUARY 2024. We just adopted Laney as his mistress, our neighbor had recently died.

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”

(Milan Kundera)

I recently read a horrendous article about dogs being dumped over the outskirts of town and left to die. There was a redeeming characteristic to the article: two volunteers pledged to bring the dogs water and food. Like me, they were saddened at the cruelty and selfishness of so many humans and wanted to help the dogs. 

Dogs are fascinating. They vary immensely in size and color more than any other mammal, so they are unique. 

Dogs are, of course, Man’s Best Friend. They are probably our oldest animal companion the very first domesticated animal. In fact, without the dog our civilization may not have come into existence at all!  

My father had a dog. My grandfather had a dogs almost everyone had a dog at one time or another. They were part of the family and part of the family history.

Lincoln loved dogs. He had a dog named Fido. Stanley Coren tells us:

“This dog was almost always with Lincoln and the people of Springfield would report that it was a common sight to see Lincoln walking down the street with Fido walking behind, carrying a parcel by the string tied around it. A regular stop for Lincoln was at Billy’s Barbershop for a haircut. Fido would settle down to wait outside patiently, although he could easily be lured into a game involving jumping and twirling when young children came by and paid any particular attention to him.”

Dogs have their flaws, however, They need attention and can be expensive to maintain. I think dogs tend to be dirty and greedy (for food). 

And dogs have been known to fight over food. 

Dogs who have been abandoned generally speaking are the most aggressive about defending their food. Having a bad master or none at all is bad for dogs. Through neglect and through the fear of hunger dogs can become aggressive. They say a hungry dogs forgets his training, forgets his master and believes in nothing to his bones and his meat when starving. So bad behavior is not really the dogs fault.

Sadly, very aggressive dogs have to be put down sometimes.  So dirtiness and possible danger and aggression (particularly in large dogs) are a problem. 

But are they any worse than human beings are in this flaw?  Many poorly raised and marginalized people have poor hygiene and are thieves and aggressive bullies.

But given half a chance the average dog has one purpose in life: to be a loving companion to his master or mistress and loyally give his or her heart.

There is no friend like a dog. He will always welcome you home with affection and a jolly wag of his tail and a happy glint in his eye!  He will warn you of danger, of strangers or intruders. If he doesn’t he is telling you something as well. 

I remember the famous Sherlock Holmes story, The Silver Blaze.

“Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?’

‘To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.’

‘The dog did nothing in the night-time.’

‘That was the curious incident,’ remarked Sherlock Holmes.”

The fact the dog communicated was whoever came to see the horse in the stable was NOT a stranger but a well-known and trusted individual.

If there is a leak in the laundry room he will tell you. 

If there is smoke he will sound the alarm. 

Poor fellow! he is confused and frightened by the 4th of July as well as thunder and lightning. 

But when you comfort him he brings you delight and more than ever is glad YOU ARE HIS MASTER and YOU ARE HIS FRIEND. 

You are glad he is by your side. 

And of course we talk to our dogs and wish they could talk to you! Sometimes it seems as if they try!

I genuinely love dogs and do not want to see them suffer or be harmed in any way.  I love animals in general and am fascinated by them. I love the birds who visit our garden and who make their nests and lay their eggs in our eaves. 

But my favorite animal is the dog because they are our link to paradise. 

The saddest thing about a dog is we know he will be with us only for a short while.  We get a dog and we know we will probably have to say goodbye to it long before we die because their lives are short.

But perhaps this is one of the greatest gifts a dog bestows to us. 

The dog teaches us not to worry too much about tomorrow. We are all mortal. 

The dog teaches us to be happy and grateful for small things that each day of life provides.

A warm blanket. A satisfying meal. A full water bowl. A scented garden. A cool summer breeze. A sweet breath of clean air.  

A quiet evening. 

And the love and companionshp of a true friend. 

“And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.”

(John Masefield)

“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.” MARCUS AURELIUS  GARY COOPER IN GARDEN OF EVIL (1954)

Ah, moon of my delight, [who know'st]1 no wane,
The moon of Heav'n is rising once again:
How oft hereafter rising shall she look
Through this same garden after me - in vain!

And when Thyself with shining Foot shall pass
Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass,
And in thy joyous Errand reach the Spot
Where I made one - turn down an empty Glass!

by Edward Fitzgerald (1809 - 1883), appears in The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, First Edition, no. 75, first published 1859 FROM THE PERSIAN
Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite animal?