Tag Archives: dailyprompt-1855

My Favorite Drinks for Health and Pleasure

By Richard K. Munro

Of course, my favorite drink and the drink I drink EVERYDAY would have to be Adam’s Ale or good old H20 (water) often with some ice but not always. I think it very healthful to drink water with meals.

After drinking water I drink some coffee with milk every morning. In the winter I make a pot of Earl Grey with some lemon juice and Splenda and fill up a thermos and then sip all afternoon. Sometimes I add honey. In the summer I add ice and make a pitcher of iced tea. So if I were to add it up the drinks I habitually drink and like are in this order: WATER, TEA, COFFEE, MILK. I like fruit juices and drink them occasionally but they have too much sugar and too many calories so I substitute a vitamin C power in water each morning. I will drink a Coca Cola if on the road but rarely drink that anymore. Generally I avoid sugarly softdrinks.

I am not and never have been a a teetotaler however. But I am aware very aware of the dangers and temptation of “demon rum”. There is an old Spanish saying : If you ever know a man who tries to dr own his sorrows, kindly inform him his sorrows know how to swim. Drinking is one one to forget but it takes a toll on the mind and body. If one only drinks in moderation and occasionally one enjoys them more.

I just drink alcoholic beverages in moderation occasionally. In the summer I enjoy a cold glass of Spanish sherry now and then.

Of course, I enjoy a glass of cold beer now and then as well.

I am not too particular about my beer but enjoy draught beer.

I enjoy whisky also from time to time. If there is nothing else available I will have a bourbon whiskey or a rye whiskey but I never keep any of that stuff in my house. But my preferred hard drink is a nice Scotch blend or for special occasions a nice single-malt.

I like Irish whisky also and will have it from time to time. I really don’t like other hard drinks (tequila, vodka, rum, gin) and probably will go 10 or 15 years without drinking those drinks. In 2016 someone bought me a Bloody Mary and to be hospitable I took it. I liked it but haven’t had one since. It is 2024 and I haven’t had a Scotch since New Year’s Eve! If I am out I will have a Manhattan cocktail (made with  whiskey sweet vermouth and bitters). If I can I would prefer a Rob Roy but in my experience a Manhattan is usually a more avialble cocktail. I never make fancy cocktails at home though sometimes I will make a hot toddy or a lemonade punch spiked with whisky.

I enjoy wine and usually we drink Spanish, Italian, Portuguese , Chilean, Californian or German wine.

In my youth I used to like pitchers of Sangria but rarely have it now. We all must drink both for our health and enjoyment. But drink clean water (I have a filter at home) and boil it if you must. This is why the British soldier of old drank tea. It was a safe and satisfying drink. That’s the way I feel about it today. I enjoy a coffee but find it can make my stomach upset. Tea always seems tasteful and salubrious to me so next to water it is my favorite drink.

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite drink?